panneau bifacial


Tecphy is an interdisciplinary engineering office active in the sectors of renewable energy, building, mobility and industry. The team is able to propose a large panel services from the design and concept to the final acceptance. We propose optimisations of dimensionning with the support of modeling and numerical simulations.  Tackling the challenge of the “stratégie énergétique”, tecphy collaborates with other compagny’s and participes to the co-development and the industrialisation of cleantech products such as photovoltaics, storage of solar hydrogen and mobility solutions with hydrogen. Tecphy develops enegy codes and information systems and propose solutions for the monitoring and the control of energy systems.


  • Renewable energies come together with energy efficiency and the reduction of consumption. They must be coupled with the other energy systems as well as the storage solutions such as electrochemical batteries and solar hydrogen.
  • Global energy analysis, carbon foot print and primary energy,  life cycle of analysis of materials, environmental indicators.

Democratising technologies and solutions

  • Consulting in innovative solutions, reliable with a demonstrated return on investment.
  • These solutions must be accessible to many customers.

Independant consulting

  • The proposed solutions suit the needs and the objectives of the client as a first priority.

Key Competences

  • Mastering new technologies : Photovoltaics BIPV,  hydrogen storage, IT for energy.
  • Modeling and numerical simulations of buildings and renewable energies.
  • Energy retrofit of buildings with the integration of renewable energies.
  • Energy monitoring, optimisation, implementation of information platforms.